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Coach Certification


USA Hockey and the Coaching Education Program require both certification and registration to be eligible to coach. Registration is done online on a yearly basis. Application and certification is also required. 

USA Hockey Requirements (Must be completed before participating in any team activities)

  1. Register as a member of USA Hockey. (Cost is $46 plus any affiliate fees if applicable).  Email a copy of the registration confirmation to Danielle @  USA Hockey Member Registration
  2. Complete the background screening (valid for 2 years). Background Screen (
  3. Complete the USA Hockey Safe Sport Training. (Required every year and cannot be added to a roster until completed). SafeSport Program Training (
  4. Complete the online age-specific module(s) for the age level of play you are coaching. (Cost is $10 per module and only needs to be completed once per age level. Must be completed PRIOR to participating in any team activities and cannot be added to a roster until completed)  Age-Specific Modules (

Coaching Education Program Certification Clinic Requirements  (Must be completed by Dec. 31,  or you will be removed from the roster and no longer able to coach)

Find, register and attend the required certification clinic    The Cost is $55. You can only attend one clinic per season and all coaches start at Level 1. You can take clinics from April 1-Dec. 31 each season. Coaching Clinics (

For questions contact Dylan @

Coaching Education Program

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